Thursday, November 30, 2006

The week in a single picture.

I must admit I can't remember the photographer's name, but this picture describes exactly how I've been feeling - Especially in the gesture of the hand to the heart.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The passing of loved ones.

The death of Bebe Moore Campbell has me thinking about the passing of loved ones. Her story has always been inspiring to me... bright and talented young woman meets her first book's editor in the ladies room of a conference at Howard University.

Hearing of the randomness of people's "big breaks" and how small they often start gives me hope that there is something larger out there for me. But she took the reins of her life firmly in hand and created masterful literary works that hold a mirror to our world and challenge us to change the way we think.

In Age of Iron, the main character, during her protracted illness, thinks that "now is the time for heroism..." and sits with the knowledge that it is no longer enough just to be a good person. I'm left wondering how to make that happen. How does one begin the quest that results in heroism?

I know that I never met Ms. Campbell, but I am lucky to have known her characters, and have been acquainted with some of her friends and family - who I now send my deepest condolences.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanking friends... old and new...

I am continually amazed by the endless bounds that my friends go to make me feel loved and supported. I'm hoping that eventually they will lurk here to read my musings, so let me take a moment to say thank you...

Really, thank you.

I'm feeling great today after a wonderful weekend filled with great encounters.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why call it Mindful Integration?

Mindful Integration is a phrase that is used throughout new age circles - from yoga to quantum physics - to create strong connections. Often used to describe the practice of a mind-body connection, but also often used with any number of seemingly separate things that are somehow inextricably linked.

The term perfectly describes that which I am trying to create: the mindful integration of seemingly separate entities. In a world where we are separated in a miriad of different ways, I want to find a way to bring us back together.

Ideally, Mindful Integration will eventually become a center where people can come to integrate themselves. A place where races mix, generations comingle, cultures clash, art and health are plentiful, and ideas are developed and exchanged. I want to create a safe place for people to come and create. Perhaps they need to create something tangible, or perhaps they just need the right encouragement to create something safe for themselves internally.

When we have that inner security, we are able to creatively move towards something larger and more positive.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Allowing the inevitable.

How do you fight the inevitable?

You cannot. You must simply allow.

Whatever that is that is bigger than you are, more powerful, more in control... you must allow it.

So on days like today when I feel only slightly more energetic than a two-day old fish on trash day, I must simply allow things to come and go. I do what I can, and leave the rest for another day.

Now, what about energy conservation? I'll save that for the next post.

Monday, November 20, 2006


Much of my art work is about transitions. The Lifecycles project is meant to highlight the fact that everything around us has a life cycle. Even things that are meant to be permanent, are in fact changing and moving to their next state of being.

By highlighting the temporal nature of our lives, I hope to ease the anxiety that is felt by transitions. Often it seems to take a strength we do not possess to move from one way of life to another. Yet we all have major transitions: we move, we breakup, we change jobs, we get married, we have children, we lose children, we have illness, and ultimately we die.

Often we put so much pressure on ourselves to try to be perfect, even in the face of transition. But sometimes, all we can manage is to breathe in and out... we can only just barely make sure that our heart still beats and we wait. We wait until it gets easier, because eventually it always does.

Friday, November 17, 2006

How do you maintain balance between giving and receiving?

As the holidays are approaching so quickly after my recent health issues, I'm left wondering how to maintain a balance between giving and receiving.

Historically, I have been the type of person that is more comfortable giving. I love to buy and wrap presents. I love to think about each person thoughtfully. I really love making and writing cards.

Lately though, I've had so little energy that I've been more concerned with getting what I need than enjoying giving. I need to pay my medical bills. I need a new dishwasher. I need to eat well and be gentle with myself which means carefully planned indulgences.

I'm ready now to begin to think about giving. I think I'll begin by searching for gratitute. I am extremely grateful for the wonderful friends and family that support me, and I WILL begin this holiday season by thanking them for their kindness and contributions to my already rich life. Perhaps that will be enough for them to know I love them.

I hope so.


I'm not sure what I'll be writing yet, but here I am!