Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Traveling Fools

Tomorrow is the big day. That massive list is now divided between one bag to check and one backpack to carry.

Backpack on back. Girlpack on front.

Wish me luck!

(Maybe I wouldn't be so nervous if I weren't about to schlep this heavy, but sweet thing at naptime. Here's hoping white noise does it's thing!)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just a simple list...

Packing List: Maine Trip
8 days, 7 nights

Clothing, me
 Underwear
 Bras
 Nursing tanks
 Pajamas
 Pants
 Sweaters
 Dresses
 Socks
 Tennis shoes
 2 pairs of flip flops

Entertainment, me
 Notebook
 Baby books
 Magazines

Toiletries, me
 Shampoo/conditioner
 Face soap
 Comb
 Hair stuff
 Razor
 Tweezers
 Lotion
 Selected makeup
 Necklace
 Toothbrush
 Toothpaste

Clothing, Baby
 Socks
 Tights
 Pants
 Short sleeved Onesies
 Long sleeved Onesies
 Hats
 Shoes
 Dresses
 Sleep sack
 Sweaters

Misc, baby
 Diapers
 Bottles
 Pads
 Changing pad
 Thermometer
 Lotion
 Aquaphor
 Car seat
 Blankets
 Towels
 Washcloths
 Bibs
 Jars of baby food
 Bottle brush?
 Nosefrida?
 Mapap? (Tylenol)??
 Baby Bjorn
 Baby Mei Tai
 Nail clippers
 Bowls
 spoons

Entertainment, Baby
 Books
o Gnt moon
o Catapillar
o Polar bear
o Brown bear
o Are you my
o Going to bed book
o Mr. brown can
o Going on safari

 Toys
o One cube
o Both twiggas (that means giraffe in swahili)
o New beaver
o Mirror rattle
o Jingle samba

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ordinary People

Oh John Legend, I know you are not talking about being a mom, but gosh this morning it feels like it!

So today, I'm gonna take it slow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


This whole day has been just a little off.

Not catastrophic by any means, just off.

Like poop on the sofa, baby drool in your mouth kind of day.

Take for example this lovely photo of my dear sweet girl being hoisted in the air by her father:

Not only did this result in squeals of utter joy, but also in some drool getting in my husband's nose. See the velocity of the drool from that height when combined with the momentum created by the hoisting motion increased the acceleration, and when one takes into account the change in angle of my husband's face to accommodate both the increased exertion and the desired eye contact with the infant, well... there you go.

And as an added bonus, I was able to capture that lovely patch of our ceiling that has water damage... gosh, am I ever grateful that I now have a picture of that!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Five Months Old Today...

Things I want to remember:
- How sweet you are. I know you are really awake these days because you smile broadly at me when you see me coming. If I say "hug me!" you will snuggle into me and lay your head on my shoulder.
- How your eyes light up when you see your boyfriend in the kitchen. You smile and sometimes squeal. Your boyfriend, the little animated guy on the Frosted Mini-Wheat box.
- How big you are getting. I know when I look back on these photos I will forget how big you seemed. But now when you lay next to me in bed, your body goes from my shoulder down to my knees. I have to remind myself you are still a baby.
- How sometimes it seems that you are still a part of me. How at 3am, when you have fallen back asleep on my shoulder, how the weight of you melds into me, making it seem like we are still one.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Enjoying the Moment.

Sleep is my biggest obsession right now.

I want to be able to put her down to sleep, once, and have her sleep until she is not tired anymore. And I would like to do it with no tears. Magically. Starting tonight.

Deciding my plan of attack and implementing it on my own are daunting. But my husband's overnight shift and schoolwork make it such that asking him to focus time and energy on my obsession is unreasonable.

But today, I witnessed this:

At first, I thought, "Oh, she should sleep in her crib!" "What precedent is this setting? Will she always want to nap on me?!?"

But then I thought about it. This man loves this girl. Let them snuggle. Let them enjoy this moment together.

How many times do we rush through things, anxious for the next? How often do we miss something magical and fulfilling in pursuit of some ideal of perfection that may not even exist?

So today, I vow to snuggle. Regardless of consequence.

Oh and my baby is so sitting quite well these days. Still in need of a catcher, but soooo close to independence!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Bionic Baby

It's happening. We are creating the child that we always dreamed of. Now I am certain there will be times in her life where we wonder where she came up with things, wonder why she is the way she is, and wonder what we did wrong, but for now, it's so nice to see that she loves things that we love.

For example, she loves to drum with her dad.

The other day he came up behind me as I was feeding her some pears and started to use my shoulders as a drum. She started to laugh and move her hands... trying hard to imitate him. It was precious.

She's a thrill-seeker:

Whatever new thing she learns, she wants to be doing it. If she can sit, she wants to sit, even better if she can stand or see someone new. Or teeter on daddy's shoulders, dance with mommy, or explore a new place.

She loves the outdoors:

Look at those eyes. We take a walk at least once a day. The look of wonder is nearly always there. She loves the sky, the trees, the flowers, the animals, and the people we encounter. She's a nature-lover. (Nice shot of me enjoying a potato chip, eh?)

She loves to read:

The love of books is one that lives in every cell of my family. My books are my friends. They represent my whole life. I have enjoyed introducing her to some of my old friends. Not all of her favorites are my favorites, but when I start reciting one she likes from memory, she stops and stares at me, perhaps wondering where the book is. And if you show her the book, she lunges at it with the same hunger as her food.

Oh, and boy does she love to eat:

Here she is in her new high-chair. A new place of joy and satisfaction. And frustration if we are too slow in spooning it out to her.

I am thrilled with the person she is becoming. And she is leaving the lumpness of babyhood behind, becoming a sentient being with things to learn, relationships to develop, and a whole world to change.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

What Not To Wear.

If you are chubby, there are things that are difficult to pull off, no matter how hard you try... these are tough looks to pull off.

Skull caps in colors that wash out your skin tone:

Leg warmers:

You are not a dancer yet, baby. Oh, and note the socks are too small. But they did not fall off!

Horizontal stripes:

All of the above together:

Yes, we went for a walk this way. She got quite the looks.