Grab a glass of lemonade, find a patch of shade, and let's discuss random things:
1) If you were an animal, what animal would you want to be?
2) If you could make one thing different today, what would that be?
3) If you had to leave the country at a moment's notice, where would you go?
4) If you had to leave all your possessions behind, what do you think you would miss the most?
5) What's your favorite song right now?
6) What's one thing you do on a regular basis that would surprise someone that you just met?
7) Who do you wish you had more time with?
8) What is your favorite thing to wear when its really, really hot?
9) What was the last movie you saw? Did you like it?
Here are my answers:
1) I would be a whale or a manitee... or one of those sea elephants. Something that lives in the water and spends most of its time fat and happy.
2) I would put $5000 in my savings account, just to have a little less worry.
3) Canada. I was born there, I love the cold, don't mind paying taxes, and could get dual citizenship back pretty easily.
4) I think I would miss my grandmother's jewelry. Not that I ever wear it, but I like to look at it. Or maybe my wardrobe. I love my clothes.
5) You've got to hide your love away by the Beatles. (I just saw Help for the first time)
6) I go to the gym regularly and while there I watch Rap City on BET.
7) Everyone. (especially Charles)
8) My red, white, and blue GAP outlet dress. It's very loose, but still looks nice and doesn't show if I might be "misty."
9) Last night I watched "AFRICA UNITE" a documentary about the Marley family going to Ethiopia in 2005. It was good, but I have to go google Bob Marley now and try to figure out where all those Marleys come from!
1) If you were an animal, what animal would you want to be? a bald eagle. i would want to be a bird so i could fly, but one that was big enough to to have to worry about predators. also, i love america.
2) If you could make one thing different today, what would that be? no rain! (in anticipation of rain.)
3) If you had to leave the country at a moment's notice, where would you go? you mean to live? or like a vacation and i would come back? maybe london? somewhere fun and far away where ive never been but could speak the language.
4) If you had to leave all your possessions behind, what do you think you would miss the most? are my cats possessions? if so, them. if not, my banjo!
5) What's your favorite song right now? dani california by red hot chili peppers. its the one i love to sing the most on rock band, and it has the line "it only hurts when i laugh".
6) What's one thing you do on a regular basis that would surprise someone that you just met? play banjo?
7) Who do you wish you had more time with? gretchen, always. and my brother.
8) What is your favorite thing to wear when its really, really hot? im into shorts this summer. although as a rule, i love winter clothes and hate summer ones.
9) What was the last movie you saw? Did you like it? city of lost children, and i loved it!
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