Tuesday, September 23, 2008

RIP: Pam the Deck-Whore

I have a theory.

The theory is that some of the subtler parts of our lives are actually as important to us as the big things: the passions, the relationships, the career.

Case in point: Pam the Deck-Whore.

Pam the Deck-Whore is a feral cat. One that lived at the home of a couple that is close friends with one of my coworkers. I have never met this couple, although they sound so fun - I totally want to meet them. And I never met Pam.

Regardless, this was the conversation last night walking home:

Coworker: I have bad news.

Me: What.

Coworker: Pam the Deck Whore was hit by a car.

Me: (Gasp) What! What about the kittens!?!

Coworker: They handed them off to the SPCA last week.

Me: Oh, gosh, maybe she committed suicide. That's so sad.

Coworker: They are upset about it.

And I thought "I am upset about it!" Imagining this poor cat, first losing her kittens and then being hit by a car. My heart went out to the couple who was close to her.

Ridiculous? Probably. But that's just who I am.

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