Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Moving and Motivation.

Thanks to the wonderful help from many great friends and family, I got all my things moved out of my old apartment. Problem is: I have no motivation to unpack or go back to my apartment and clean.

I have 3 more days (not counting today) until my Winter Break. I am super tired. I am ready to relax.

Oh, and I haven't bought a single Christmas present yet. I hope everyone will understand. Post-wedding, post-car shopping, I don't have alot of $$$ - well, when do I ever. And like the rest of America, I am feeling more pressure than ever to live within my means.

There is a Swahili saying: Only scratch where you can reach.

I'm afraid my arms are notoriously short.

1 comment:

dpapa said...

That expression makes me feel weird.