Saturday, July 19, 2008

Oh, it's ON now...

Dear Mr. Squirrel:
You are lucky that you were up on my roof making all that noise and stratching at my skylight during the day - when I could see your cute little feet.

... cuz try that crap at 3am, and I will totally call the cops on your furry little ass.


1 comment:

Kathryn said...

This just in from an esteemed colleague:

"Read your blog this morning, went out shopping, came home late afternoon...

found stuff from the kitchen counter knocked onto the floor...
Hope [the cat] was talking up a storm...something like "you will not believe the shit that went down in here while you were gone"...
on the window sill above the sink, 3 peaches had been half eaten and a bag of bread ripped open and eaten...

one window in the whole apartment was open WITH A SCREEN VERY SECURELY IN PLACE...with a neat little hole chewed through it...

YOUR scratching on the skylight friend INVADED MY HOME...

it IS on...